Coaching Testimonials

"Before meeting Filimon I was confused and battling anxiety post a divorce. In my transformational journey over the last few years, Filimon has helped me gain access to what I value and this sparked me to move into my dream apartment, maximise business opportunities, commit wholeheartedly to my life partner and overall have a more optimistic present and vision of the future.​Filimon is dedicated to serving his people to ensure they live life authentically and with integrity in accordance with their values. He loves to ask questions and tailors his approach to suit the person. He is efficient and committed to the transformation and empowerment of his clients. I have been coached by him and observed his communication with others in the groups we have been in together. His teachings and skills will be an asset to all of society if the younger generations had access to his knowledge."

Eland, SYD

“Before working with Filimon, I was emotionally and creatively blocked having just faced hardship. I knew Fil had great intuition and emotional intelligence so I came to him for guidance to help me move past what was holding me back. Fil got deep with me and helped uncover limiting beliefs about myself and my business. He helped me find my power as a woman and business owner and brought out my inner lioness! My biggest surprise was his 2-day 90-day intensive where we got really thorough with determining my vision and goals. Fil helped me think big, which helped me achieve 2 of my goals within 4 weeks. Fil really does put his heart and soul into his clients. He is able to wear many hats depending on what you need at the time and really cares. Fil was great support and helped me work through many different challenges and blocks as they arrived. I loved working with Fil. It was great to know that I had someone who had my back. He helped unblock parts of me to attract certain things in my life."

Naomi, QLD

"Have you ever felt as though you might be a sinking ship? Or a chunk of wasted weight with the knowledge and hope that one day you could be free from the shackles of your mind? I too have been there and maybe longer than I should've been, until I made the decision to take action and seek a true professional that could show me who I was and how to unlock my true potential. What Filimon has shown me in the past year is nothing short of remarkable, creating a huge sigh of relief with a weight off my shoulders, as well as the mindset of ownership and responsibility. I enjoyed working with Filimon as he allowed me to have the freedom of being a casual client whilst ensuring that I take in all of the lessons he teaches throughout the process. I have found that working with Filimon has led me to believe that the small everyday achievements that I focus on is what makes me happy with enjoying the process on a big scale. It has helped me to not only identify my strengths, but also to allow me to embrace my identity whilst achieving things I thought would take forever. I strongly vouch for Filimon as he will take the time and effort to understand who you are to assist you in understanding yourself better and use your best strengths to better yourself everyday. Take the time to value your self improvement and you'll prove to do amazing things."

San, SYD

"I am so glad that Fil believed in me when I could not & so grateful that he continued to demand more of myself when I didn't realise that more was possible. For the first time in my 23 years, I can proudly say that I am finally excited about life & have actually begun to truly live. Not only does Fil ask incredible questions that unlock what’s deep within the subconscious but he listens intuitively & patiently, he really makes you feel heard & understood. Fil continues to go above & beyond, he has empowered me through so many of his distinctions, stories & exercises & I am so unbelievably grateful for all that I have learnt from him. Really couldn’t ask for a more dedicated & extraordinary coach & mentor, being coached by him has radically changed how I now choose to live my life."

Courtney, SYD

“His coaching has honestly changed my life. Filimon has an incredible ability to see the gaps in someone's thinking & their limiting beliefs just through general conversation. Filimon is actually something very special & he’s extremely equipped to help you get to the next level.”

Ella, SYD

“About a year ago I was at a point in my life where I was really unsure of the direction of where I was headed & was really just taking things day by day. Now through Fil’s help I was actually able to understand that I am in control of my thoughts, my actions, my behaviours; and through that I can actually design & construct my own future based on what I want and not based on my past. Fil was really great in helping challenge me & my thoughts so that I could actually grow & get to the next level and through his help I’ve become more confident and understanding, there’s so many things he's supported me with that have really helped me grow my life.”

Jacob, SYD

Facilitating & Leadership

"Filimon is dedicated to his own personal and professional development and his commitment to creating programs will positively impact both the youth and adult community.

Filimon continually walks his talk. He is developing more and more programs and making an impact both in our community (The Wisdom Playground) and his extensive community. He is empowering younger and older generations to make a difference and he is providing a range of guidance, education and support to help make that a reality.​He is also committed to continually developing his skills in the field of training and education to ensure he retains his position as a leader and change maker.”

Gabrielle, GOLD COAST

"Filimon is a leader. He listens and helps people understand themselves better and he leads by example. Filimon has a high level of integrity and gives his time to help others. I have the upmost respect for him as a person and a leader. Filimon achieves what he applies himself to and he helps others achieve the same. Filimon shares his truth at all times and is transparent with his words and actions.

As a contributor, he listens and considers people, which is illustrated through his words and actions. Filimon takes on board feedback and uses the feedback to become the best person he can be. In tern, he guides others to help them achieve great outcomes.”

Scott, SYD

"As a past teacher, educator, and mentor I have been able to advise Filimon how to develop and refine his teaching and instruction technique. During our close association, I have developed a very firm grasp on Filimon’s personality, ethics, and habits of mind. He has shown himself to be an honest, hard-working, and personable individual. I am confident that he would prove to be an asset to any organization. He always encourages an environment of inclusion for all involved.​Filimon has initiated a number of Youth Public Speaking Programs to help and motivate young people to achieve their personal and academic objectives. He is adept at fostering healthy discourse in small groups of peers and as well as effortlessly capturing the attention of larger groups. He has proven himself to be a gentle and selfless individual in matters relating to social justice and is an expert at efficiently managing his time so he can be an integral part of all of these various communities. I believe that Mr Filippou is an exemplary human being, with the acumen, intellect and kind heart to succeed in any setting. "

Gary, SYD

"Filimon’s biggest impact on me is not in telling me what I should do to solve an issue, but rather probing me by asking great questions which spark me to come up with the solutions myself. That is what I call empowerment in leadership. It is very clear that Filimon’s strengths lie in his powerful leadership and communication and the way he can connect to his audience, whether in a one-on-one situation or in a full room (I’ve witnessed both on may occasions)."


“I believe Filimon’s integrity, values, and honesty to be beyond reproach. With his passion and understanding, he is totally committed to enabling people to be the best version of themselves.”

Simon, SYD

"Filimon has worked in groups which have developed confidence and positive self image. He also speaks individually to people to help them to feel empowered and understand their goals. He is an energetic communicator and I have seen him work with people of all ages, treating all people respectfully. His style is to ask people questions to help them find answers themselves."

Paul, SYD

Filimon is a leader and is committed to supporting growth in humanity. From the communities I see him in he actively works with young adults and supports them in leadership, growth, and coaching. He is an active learner for his personal and professional growth.

Steve, PERTH

Facilitating & Leadership

"Filimon is dedicated to his own personal and professional development and his commitment to creating programs will positively impact both the youth and adult community.

Filimon continually walks his talk. He is developing more and more programs and making an impact both in our community (The Wisdom Playground) and his extensive community. He is empowering younger and older generations to make a difference and he is providing a range of guidance, education and support to help make that a reality.​He is also committed to continually developing his skills in the field of training and education to ensure he retains his position as a leader and change maker.”

Gabrielle, GOLD COAST

"Filimon is a leader. He listens and helps people understand themselves better and he leads by example. Filimon has a high level of integrity and gives his time to help others. I have the upmost respect for him as a person and a leader. Filimon achieves what he applies himself to and he helps others achieve the same. Filimon shares his truth at all times and is transparent with his words and actions.

As a contributor, he listens and considers people, which is illustrated through his words and actions. Filimon takes on board feedback and uses the feedback to become the best person he can be. In tern, he guides others to help them achieve great outcomes.”

Scott, SYD

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13 Key Domains of Life

Life places us within 13 Key Domains, whether we like it or not. Our FREE guide helps you to understand & address the areas that significantly influence your quality of life. The 13 Domains guide provides you with the information, knowledge & resources to make informed choices & take proactive steps towards achieving a more balanced & fulfilling life.

Take Control of Your Life: Download Our FREE Guide!

The 13 Key Domains of Life

Life places us within 13 Key Domains, whether we like it or not. Our FREE guide helps you to understand & address the areas that significantly influence your quality of life. The 13 Domains guide provides you with the information, knowledge & resources to make informed choices & take proactive steps towards achieving a more balanced & fulfilling life.

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